Antivirus Software in Affiliate Marketing

There is no deny that the world we know today exists thanks to
computers, mobile phones, tablets — literally any gadget. Much like
humans, our digital companions are vulnerable to viruses and require
protection. Whether it is a corporate client or an individual, every
self-respecting gadget owner needs an antivirus. Which is why this type
of software is in high demand. And today, we will talk about everything
you need to know about this bountiful niche: its evergreen character,
the best GEO, creative designing, and payouts.


What Makes Antiviruses a Lucrative Niche

The annual revenue for cybersecurity software is well above $40 billion. And while many users rely on antiviruses already, the market is far from saturation. Consider this:


  • Almost a billion of malware pieces of code infest the internet
  • Over 350,000 malware attacks are detected daily worldwide
  • A half of all the malware attacks target the USA
  • Less than a half of American mobile devices are protected by an antivirus

The majority of mobile applications are installed through app stores.
Before getting to a digital shelf, the app has to be vetted. This makes
mobile and tablet protection less of an issue, compared to desktops and laptops siblings.



It should be noted that 61% of the users relies on freeware,
like Windows Defender. They don’t think the proprietary alternatives
worth their cost, so remind them that paid antivirus programs are a
complex solution with VPNs, password managers, and even secure browsers


Some of the most common reasons for using antivirus solutions include: general protection, privacy concerns, online shopping security, and public Wi-Fi usability.


In case of the USA particularly, there is a trend that with age people tend to use antivirus software more actively.


Based on the info, we can deduce that desktop users are more loyal to antiviruses
and the related campaigns. On the other hand, the mobile market is an
underexplored territory and with the right approach, you can obtain some
brand new antivirus advocates.


Try hooking up the users with unconventional reasons for installing
an AV software, like public Wi-Fi security. Also focus on the elders, as
they are more dependent on AV programs — they might feel uncomfortable
reinstalling the OS.



The Versatility of Antivirus Niche

The antivirus niche is considered to be evergreen for a reason.
Basically, it makes any online activity safer, affiliate marketing
included. Which is why the AV software can complement any other niche, or at least rely on the major events, specific to other verticals.


Take for example eCommerce, whenever another iPhone is released, it’s
a perfect chance to encourage the user to complement it with an AV, so
that new gadget is safe and at tip-top condition. Various CC Submits and
giveaways are also a good reason to remind the user about data
protection. Let no malware mess up with your funnels and leads.


Running an antivirus offer can be very convenient if you are not into making creatives. By default, the advertisers are willing to provide the approved creatives,
so all you have to do is to plug and play. If, on the other hand, you
want to get creative you are most likely to get an approval, since the
advertisers cherish their reputation above everything else.


Also, the users look actively for the antivirus solutions, so the hard sells are unlikely — the audience is already engaged. Finally, the antivirus vertical is full of big shots like McAfee, Norton, Avast, Nod32, Dr.Web, Kaspersky. These companies are well-known, so it’s easier to connect with the end user.


Top GEOs for an Antivirus Offer

Prior to picking up a proper offer, we need to conduct a small market research, here is a list of the countries attacked most frequently with malware and viruses:

Via: Statista

Targeting these countries is a must, because antiviruses can solve the problem of device infections,
which is a nuisance for the users. No need to assume that low infection
rate makes the AV programs less popular, especially if we are talking
about the countries with high standard of living, like the Scandinavian

Via: Statista

In fact, it’s just the opposite, and low number of system infections can be attributed to widespread adoption of AV programs.
So, consider targeting the first-tier communities alongside the
countries like Mexico, India, and the United Arab Emirates. As a rule of
a thumb, the more corporate secrets a country has to protect, the more
likely it is to be digitally attacked. So, look for the eCommerce
magnets, which usually happen to be the Tier-1 communities.



Making Creatives and Landers

If, for some reason, the creatives are not provided by an advertiser,
or they don’t make the cut, then it’s time to get creative yourself. Take advantage of the fear of losing precious personal info or just money.
However, the advertisers are generally against false claims about
system infection. The solution? Be a bit more vague and say the system
might be infected instead of a definite claim. Here is a list with the
most common approaches you can take to hook up a user:


  • An alert: “Your personal info MIGHT be compromised” — does not mean it is though
  • Abuse of the herd instinct: “60% of iPhone 14 has been attacked in the USA” — the Statistics + Model + GEO (SMG) framework
  • Personalized informing: “We’ve chosen 3 antiviruses, which might be relevant to you” — informative enough and very personal
  • Good old discounts: “30% off for the next update” — works well with the established brands, like McAfee, Norton, or Avast

Landing pages are also usually provided by the advertisers, if this is the case — you don’t need a pre-lander at all. Eerie creatives are best accompanied by pre-landers with the statistics.
First, you inform the user about a threat possibility. Then, you tell a
story on the pre-lander about someone losing juicy photos after not
installing the antivirus. Next, you invite the user to the landing page
with a big, lifesaving, and data protecting Call-to-Action button.


Compared to other verticals, the antivirus niche feels almost as if it was designed with push-notifications in mind.
When push notifications follow the color scheme of the product
promoted, it looks like a genuine system notification, giving your
funnel even more credibility.


Payouts and Offers

Antivirus offers boast some of the highest payouts in affiliate
marketing of $50, $100, sometimes up to $150. Nominally, this is lower
than the payouts of mass torts and other legal actions. But let’s not
forget that the actual revenue consists of the payout size and
conversion rate, and mass tort are not the best at the latter. The
relatively high payout rate, coupled with the high conversion rate and
amplified by the active user engagement, is what makes this niche so
profitable. Talking about the offers, CpaRoll granted us a privilege of running the following offers:


  1. McAfee Premium

Payout – $52–70 (depending on the destination page)

US View Offer

The latest offer for McAfee antivirus, providing a subscription-based
service with antivirus protection for 10 devices, VPN, and additional
security products. This offer performs well with push traffic and a


  1. Avast Antivirus

Payout – $60

FR  View Offer

AU  View Offer

GB  View Offer

US  View Offer

One of the most popular antivirus products on the market, offering a
1-year subscription at only $20. Push traffic with a pre-lander delivers
the best results, but feel free to experiment with your approach.


  1.  TotalAV

Payout – $72 for mobiles, $108 for desktops

Full Tier-1 View Offer

Users can download the TotalAV application on their desktop or mobile
devices and either start a trial or make a subscription purchase.


  1. 360 Total Security

Payout – Depends on GEO


View Offer

A new antivirus offer with CPI (Cost Per Install) payment model.
Please consult your account manager for available GEOs and their
respective payouts.


These offers provide diverse options to cater to different audiences and target markets. 

Register now in CpaRoll and get even more awesome offers.



In summary, the antivirus niche in affiliate marketing presents
lucrative opportunities thanks to the high demand for cybersecurity
software. With the ever-increasing number of malware attacks and the
need for online security, antivirus programs are essential. The
versatility of the niche allows for complementing other verticals and
targeting specific events. Affiliates can use pre-approved creatives or
create their own, focusing on the fear of data loss or financial risks.
Antivirus offers often provide higher payouts, and targeting countries
with high malware rates is recommended. Overall, the antivirus niche
offers a profitable avenue for affiliates to capitalize on the growing
demand for online security.

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