Ultimate Guide to Beard Growth Tips: Achieve Your Beard Goals!

 There can be various factors like age, hormones, and genes that are affecting your beard growth. Read on to find out effective beard growth tips. 

Keeping a beard has become a male trend in the last few years. According to a survey, 55% of men in the world have facial hair. People feel that a beard is a symbol of masculinity and that it gives confidence.

However, if you are worried about not being able to grow a beard, you are not
alone. Beard growth depends on various factors that have been discussed

What Factors Can Affect Beard Growth?

Before you start looking for beard growth tips, you must understand that facial growth is usually affected by natural factors
that are beyond your control, like hormone levels in the body and
hereditary features. Here are some of the most significant factors that
can affect beard growth:

1. Testosterone

According to research, when men reach the age of puberty, their body starts producing more
testosterone hormone. It is responsible for the majority of physical
changes in the body, including beard growth. Therefore, a lack of proper
facial growth can be due to low testosterone levels in the body. This
condition is called male hypogonadism. It can impact facial and body
hair growth.

also suggests that testosterone gets converted to dihydrotestosterone,
which facilitates hair follicle growth on the face. Therefore, if you
are not able to grow a beard after puberty or have other conditions like
gynecomastia (development of breast tissue), it is best to consult an

2. Genes

Genetics can be another reason why you do not have a thick beard. In addition to
testosterone, the androgen hormone also impacts beard growth. Research suggests that androgens affect male physique development during puberty and affect the growth of hair follicles on the face.

Therefore, according to research,
genetic factors are also responsible for determining your facial hair
growth as it influences the production of androgen hormone in the body.

3. Age

If you are not seeing thick facial growth on your face, the reason can also be your age. According to the National Health Service, UK, boys start growing facial hair nearly four years after the onset of
puberty. The majority of men start to get a beard by the age of 18. If
you are below 18, you should wait for a couple more years to grow a
beard. Even if you are 18 or above and are unable to grow a beard or do
not see other signs of puberty, you might be a late bloomer. Also, men
might experience slow beard growth during old age.

4. Alopecia Areata

Other than genes or hormones, alopecia areata or hair loss can also impact
beard growth. It is called alopecia areata barbae. According to research, alopecia barbae can cause partial or total facial hair loss. It can impact beard growth.

5. Diseases

Some diseases like cancer that impact hair growth can also affect the beard. According to research, hair cells harden during chemotherapy, and hair starts falling.

Beard Growth Age

Usually, boys start experiencing facial hair growth by the age of 18. However,
some boys see facial growth in their early 20s. According to research,
beard growth is prominent during the last stage of puberty. Also,
according to the National Health Service, UK, the beard growth age is 18
years. Facial hair growth begins three to four years after boys start
experiencing symptoms of puberty.

Beard Growth Tips

Here are a few effective beard growth tips:

1. Nutritious Diet

One of the best natural beard growth tips is taking care of your diet and nutrition. According to research, vitamin D deficiencies in the body can lower testosterone levels. Since you already know that testosterone affects the growth of facial hair in the body, you must eat vitamin D rich foods
like soy milk and almond milk, eggs, mushroom, spinach and banana.
Also, nutrients like vitamins A and E, iron, protein, zinc and folic
acid help increase hair growth.

2. Proper Sleep

Another facial hair growth tip is to get sound sleep. According to research, sleep deprivation can also reduce testosterone levels
in the body. A study conducted on men whose sleep cycle was restricted
to five hours every day showed a decrease in testosterone levels after a
week. Therefore, irregular sleep can also impact facial hair growth by
decreasing testosterone levels in the body. You should sleep for at least 7-8 hours daily if you want a thick beard.

3. Exercise

According to research, exercises like weightlifting high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help increase testosterone levels in the body as it helps build muscle. Therefore, exercising regularly can help increase beard growth. Also, exercise helps in blood circulation that stimulates hair follicles.

4. Exfoliate and Moisturise your Skin

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, moisturising and exfoliating your face are crucial for a healthy beard. If you have oily, acne-prone skin, you should exfoliate your face once or twice a week to prevent ingrown hair. It will help facial hair grow properly.

5. Avoid Trimming or Shaving Your Facial Hair

You might see uneven patches of hair on your face. This is the first stage
of beard growth, and you will most likely see full beard growth in a few
months. Therefore, you should avoid trimming or shaving facial hair in
the beginning.

6. Quit Smoking

Another beard hair growth tip that you must follow is to quit smoking. According to research, smoking can reduce testosterone levels in the body that can impact facial hair growth. Therefore, you should quit smoking if you want a thick beard.

Fast Beard Growth Tips

In addition to the above-mentioned tips, here are some other fast beard growth tips that you must try:

1. Beard Growth Oil

According to research, minoxidil is an effective beard growth medicine. It helps treat alopecia and promotes hair growth. Over-the-counter beard oils with minoxidil can be used for beard growth. You can try ManMatters BeardMax 5% Minoxidil Beard Growth Serum.

2. Derma Roller

You can also use derma rollers at home for increasing facial hair growth. According to research, micro-needling along with minoxidil serum is effective for hair growth as they stimulate hair cells.
You can try micro-needling at home with a derma roller. However, you
should be extremely careful while using a derma roller at home.

3. Skin care regime

a healthy skincare routine, including keeping the beard clean, can
improve the growth and appearance of a person's beard.

the face can assist in removing dead skin cells and debris from around
each hair follicle, allowing the hair to grow unhindered through the
skin. Exfoliating can also help to prevent ingrown hairs in the beard.

conditioners for beards can nourish and moisturise the hair. This
reduces and prevents beard dandruff while also making the beard appear
fuller. A patch test is recommended to determine which products work
best for the beard.

4. Diet

A balanced diet and good nutrition can help you grow a beard and stay healthy.

and low testosterone have a bidirectional relationship, according to a
2015 study, which means that low testosterone can lead to obesity and
obesity can lead to low testosterone.

Zinc, for example, may
also be beneficial to testosterone levels. A healthy diet will not
change your genetics but will help your existing hair grow healthier and
fuller. Some foods that may be beneficial include Iron-rich foods, such
as liver, whole grains and other complex carbohydrates foods high in
zinc, such as nuts and chickpeas healthy fats, such as those found in
avocados fruits and vegetables high in B vitamins and vitamins A, C, D,
and E

5. Sleep

Sleep, in addition to being essential for overall health, can also help with beard growth.

men are sleeping, their testosterone levels rise. A 2015 study
discovered that cutting back on daily sleep reduced testosterone levels
in healthy young males.

6. Check your face for ingrown Hair

hairs are simply shaved or tweezed hairs that grow back into the skin.
This results in skin inflammation. If you have ingrown hairs on your
face, your beard will not grow evenly. Check to see if you have any
ingrown hairs. Exfoliating your skin will aid in the removal of the

7. Manage stress

must manage stress and get enough rest in order for your damaged skin
cells to repair themselves. This will encourage beard growth. When you
are relaxed, your beard will grow faster. Manage stress by exercising;
increased blood circulation promotes hair growth.

8. Beard Growth Serum for Men

is an over-the-counter, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved
treatment for hair loss. The product, which is available as foam or
serum, promotes hair growth. Minoxidil promotes beard growth
and treats hair thinning and baldness on the scalp. This may help your
hair grow thicker by revitalising and increasing the size of your hair
follicles. A group of Thai researchers investigated the use of minoxidil
on the face. According to the study, minoxidil serums can be applied to
the face to encourage and enhance beard hair growth. The side effects
were minor, and minoxidil was more effective than a placebo in
accelerating beard growth. You can try Man Matters' BeardMax 5% Minoxidil beard growth serum, which is one of the best patchy beard solutions that has been clinically proven and tested.

9. Beard Gummies for Men

Two androgens, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, are required for beard growth (DHT). Consider taking simple and healthy beard gummies for men.
Creatine-based beard supplements boost testosterone levels, which leads
to DHT conversion. They work together to stimulate and improve the
growth of facial hair follicles. Increasing testosterone levels
gradually activate dormant beard follicles, resulting in thicker, denser
hair growth. D-aspartic acid aids in the release of a hormone that aids
in the production of testosterone. This is useful for concealing a
patchy beard.

Beard Growth Stages

does not grow overnight. It can take months or years for you to get a
proper beard after you hit puberty. So, you shouldn't start worrying
immediately if you feel that your beard has stopped growing because
there are different stages of beard growth.

1. Stage 1 (No Growth)

if you do not see facial growth, you should not feel disappointed.
There can be high chances that your beard is in the first growth stage,
during which you will hardly experience any facial hair. You might see
some stubble on your chin or a few uneven hairs on your cheeks.

2. Stage 2 (Patchy Beard)

the second stage, you might get relieved after seeing increased facial
growth. However, you can also feel embarrassed during this stage when
you see patches on facial hair on your face. This stage usually lasts
for two to four months. A lot of men prefer shaving their facial hair
during this stage to avoid patchy beards. However, you should let your
beard grow completely and use beard oil for stimulating hair growth.

3. Stage 3 (You Grow a Beard)

this is the stage that you eagerly wait for. It happens between the
fifth to eighth weeks. During the third stage, you will see a proper
beard on your face. However, you must remember that everyone's beard has
a different style, and there is not much you can do about it. You
should allow your beard to grow properly before trimming it.

4. Stage 4 (Grooming)

you are blessed with good genes, and your body is producing enough
testosterone, you will likely grow a full, thick beard in nearly four
months. However, once you get a full beard, it keeps growing longer.
This is the fourth stage, where you need to groom your beard by trimming
it and keeping it in shape.

How Long Does It Take for a Beard to Grow?

You can grow a complete beard on your face in four-six months. The average growth rate of beard hair is half an inch per month. However, it also depends on genes and testosterone.

Home Remedies for Beard Growth

You can also try the following home remedies for beard growth:

1. Rosemary Oil

One of the best home remedies for beard growth is rosemary oil. According to research,
rosemary oil is more effective in increasing hair growth than
minoxidil. You can apply a few drops of rosemary oil on your cheeks and
chin for beard growth. However, you should avoid using the oil if you
have oily skin.

2. Eucalyptus Oil

According to research,
eucalyptus oil is beneficial in increasing hair growth on the scalp.
However, there are no studies to confirm that eucalyptus oil is
beneficial for beard growth. You can try eucalyptus oil for beard growth
to see if it works.

3. Cinnamon and Lemon Mixture

people also believe that a mixture of one tablespoon of cinnamon and a
few drops of lemon can help increase beard growth. However, there is no
scientific study to prove the benefits of cinnamon and lemon for the

Do Ayurvedic Medicines Help to Grow Beards?

Ayurvedic medicines may not guarantee beard growth. However, certain ayurvedic herbs like hibiscus, bhringraj and jatamansi are beneficial for hair growth. According to research, hibiscus leaves extract have hair growth properties. Another research suggests that hibiscus oil can promote blood flow towards the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. According to the Open Dermatology Journal, the oil prepared from leaves of bhringraj extract stimulates hair follicles and increases hair growth.

suggests that the jatamansi herb is rich in antioxidants that help
increase hair growth. Therefore, you can try hibiscus, bhringraj, or
jatamansi oils along with other carrier oils like coconut or amla oil on
your face to increase beard growth.

Best Beard Growth Vitamins

Beard growth vitamins that are rich in zinc, iron, and vitamins A and D can
increase beard growth as they help boost testosterone levels in the
body. Multivitamins with creatinine and biotin also increase
testosterone levels in the body that can stimulate beard growth.

According to research,
creatinine can increase the rate of conversion of testosterone to
dihydrotestosterone that increases beard growth. Therefore, you can try
multivitamins for beard growth, like Man Matters Beard Gummies that contain creatinine and biotin.

Beard Growth Supplements: Should You Take Them?

growth supplements with vitamins A, D, C can be helpful as they boost
testosterone levels and help increase natural beard growth. However, it
is best to consult a doctor before taking any vitamins. Before taking
beard growth supplements by yourself, you must consult a doctor to find
out the cause behind slow facial hair growth.

Beard Growth Myths

are a lot of beard growth myths that people learn online or through
their peers. The following are some of the most interesting beard growth
myths and facts:

1. Myth:- Shaving makes the beard grow faster.

A lot of men frequently shave their stubble to make their beards grow faster. However, according to research, shaving has no effect on hair growth. It does not stimulate new hair.

2. Myth:- Shaving frequently will lead to thick beard hair.

you shave, the hair tip gets blunt, making your stubble look thick for
some time. However, as your beard grows in a few days, it will not grow

3. Myth:- Beards grow uniformly.

beard growth is not uniform in all places. Hair grows faster in the
chin than on your cheeks. It can take a few months for you to have
uniform facial hair on your cheeks.

4. Myth:- It is normal to have an itchy beard.

a beard starts to grow, it can feel prickly due. However, the
full-grown beard isn't itchy unless you have dandruff or dermatitis.

When to See a Doctor on Beard Growth?

you can't see beard growth, usually by the age of 18, there is nothing
to worry about. You need to be patient and should wait a few more years
for facial hair growth. However, if you are above 20 and don't have a
beard, it is best to consult a doctor. Also, if you see other symptoms
of low testosterone in the body, like loss of body hair, lean muscle
mass, obesity, or reduced erectile function, you must consult a doctor.

Summing Up on Beard Growth Tips for Men

are several factors that impact beard growth, like age, hormones, and
genes. If you have patchy hair growth or weak hair, you can try various
beard oils or apply coconut or amla oil. These can help stimulate hair
follicles and will promote hair growth. Also, make sure to have a
nutritious diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals for facial hair
growth. However, it is best to consult a doctor if you are unable to
grow a beard due to less secretion of hormones.


What Makes a Beard Grow More?

heavily influence the rate at which your beard grows in, as well as its
fullness. Testosterone and DHT are also important. Maintaining your
health through diet and exercise may also benefit your beard. Getting
enough sleep and practising good hygiene may also be beneficial.

At What Age Does a Beard Fully Grow?

full beard growth begins around the age of 18, but for many men, that
time may not come until they are 30. So, if you're not seeing the
desired beard growth, it could be because it's not your time.

How Do I Know if I'll Grow a Beard?

genetics primarily determines the thickness of your beard. If your
father and grandfather have thick beards, you should also be able to
grow one. Androgens are a group of hormones that are responsible for
masculine characteristics such as a deep voice and the ability to grow
facial hair.

How Can I Grow My Beard Naturally?

Here are some natural methods for growing longer or thicker beard hair and keeping it healthy for longer.

  • Diet and beard growth foods
  • Exercise
  • Sleep quality
  • Quitting smoking

How Can I Thicken My Beard?

biotin supplements on a daily basis is one way to help your hair grow
faster and potentially stimulate hair growth. Eating healthily,
exercising, drinking plenty of water, getting 8 hours of sleep every
night, and reducing stress are all good habits to develop. These
activities may aid in the thickening of your beard hair.

What Are the Beard Growth Medicines You Can Try?

can Try ManMatters Beard Gummies. It contains Biotin, also known as
Vitamin B7, which is an essential nutrient required by the body for hair
growth. It promotes the production of keratin, a protein that
contributes to the structure of the hair. Biotin nourishes beard
follicles from the inside out, resulting in a fuller, thicker beard that
grows faster.

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