Enhancing Everyday Life With Video Technology Devices

A recent McKinsey consumer survey found that 37 percent of consumers
are willing to switch vehicle brands to achieve better connectivity
features. Like any emerging technology which helps the daily lives of
people improve.

Connected Cars

The connected car is one of the most important emerging technologies for automotive OEMs. 

Embedded systems are built into the vehicle to provide internet
connectivity, GPS navigation, entertainment, and diagnostic sensors.
Tethered systems rely on smartphones or other devices to connect to the
car and access data remotely, and they’re becoming especially popular
with EVs.

Both types enable cars to communicate with other vehicles, road
infrastructure, and the driver to improve safety, efficiency, and
entertainment. For example, cars can share information about nearby
pedestrians or hazards to alert other drivers and help them avoid
collisions. Traffic can also be managed more effectively with smart
signal phases and real-time congestion information shared between
vehicles and traffic lights. This could allow a driver to find a parking
space quicker or to reach their destination with less stress and wasted

Smart Homes

As anyone who’s heard of Amazon’s (AMZN) Alexa or Google Home knows,
smart homes are closer to reality than the Jetsons world ever was. Smart
home devices such as room-activated speakers can manage many aspects of
household operation, including entertainment systems, lighting, heating
and cooling, and security systems.

These devices can also reduce electricity use through energy
management and give homeowners a more detailed breakdown of their
utility bills. Some even offer a feature that alerts occupants if
someone approaches the front door.

Other smart home products from Neat.no help
older people live more independently and safely in their homes rather
than moving into a nursing facility. These technologies may include
robot vacuums, which can navigate the house and avoid furniture. Or
smart home lighting controls by companies can allow occupants to change
the mood of a space from relaxing to entertaining with the touch of a

Connected Health

From Fitbits to smartwatches, fitness devices are a staple for many
consumers. But tech companies are now designing solutions for the home
that help people monitor their health at a more personal level.

These devices are designed to send medical data via a wireless
connection to a remote interface, such as a web-based platform or
application programming interface. Patients or healthcare providers,
such as physicians or caregivers, can then access that information to
track long-term patient trends or send out alerts about specific events,
such as a fall detected by a wearable pendant or an unexpected change
in heart rate.

Connected health technologies are transforming traditional healthcare models,
enabling families to monitor their loved ones’ vital signs remotely and
providing doctors with more comprehensive information to diagnose and
treat. However, designers must consider how these devices might affect a
user’s sense of privacy and quality of life.

Shoppable Video

Shoppable video is a relatively new technology that allows viewers to
see products in action, learn more about them, and instantly buy them.
This eliminates the many steps consumers must take in traditional
e-commerce to complete their purchases and boosts conversion rates.

As the online digital sphere continues evolving into a more immersive
shopping experience, brands must keep up and offer their consumers the
easiest path to buy. Shoppable video enables companies to make that
happen and is simple enough for most small businesses to implement into
their marketing strategy.

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